HomeCase Studies

Case Studies

Unlocking Success: A 719% Increase in Transactional Performance

Achieving a 719% Boost through Search Engine Optimisation

Our client is an ecommerce seller of popcorns. On the website, you can find over 200 flavours of popcorns.

134% Increase in Organic Sales In Just 3 Month

Achieving a 134% Boost through SEO and CRO

How we helped to boost up the sales just by basic optimization

237% Increase in Traffic

Achieving a 237% Boost Through SEO

How we helped to boost up the traffic and sales via proper planning and strategies.

Taking Organic Traffic from -13% to +5.7% in just 30 days

Client's traffic was declining when he reached out to us.

We helped the client in regaining the lost traffic via multiple strategies which in return boosted the business by 3X.

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